

The Depository Trust Company ("直接转矩") is making the Security Position Report service available to you as an issuer, 受托人, or as a third party who must be duly authorized by the issuer to receive this information on their behalf. 直接转矩向您提供本网站及您可在本网站访问的所有服务, 作为公司或其他法律实体, 受本使用条款中包含的以下条款和条件的约束.

1. 免责保证

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the website and the Security Position Report service is at your sole risk. 本网站由直接转矩(或代表直接转矩的第三方)按“现状”提供。, "as available"的基础,而直接转矩不做任何, 并在此明确声明, 表示, 背书或保证, 明示或暗示, 直接转矩vns6060威尼斯城官网网站和安全状况报告服务, 它们各自的内容或功能, 包括, 但不限于, 任何对适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, 因交易过程或履行过程而产生的, and any warranty or other assurance of noninfringement of intellectual property or other rights of any third party, 不限制前述的普遍性, 直接转矩 disclaims any warranty regarding the accuracy of information provided by the website or the results to be obtained from the use of information on or obtained through the website. Administration and operation of the website and the Security Position Report service may not be 错误 free or uninterrupted.

2. 责任限制

您同意在任何情况下,直接转矩均不承担直接责任, 间接, 偶然的, 重要的, 特殊的, 惩罚性, 或惩罚性损害赔偿(集体), “损失”), arising out of the use or inability to use the website or the Security Position Report service, 包括, 但不限于, 损害赔偿如下, 但不限于, 收入或预期利润损失或业务损失, 任何履约失败, 错误, 遗漏, 本网站信息的准确性或完整性, 拒绝服务, 中断, 缺陷, 运行或传输上的延迟, 计算机病毒, 通信线路故障或第三方盗窃, 的破坏, 未经授权访问, 蚀变的, 或使用您的信息, 即使直接转矩已经被告知这种损害的可能性或可以预见到这种损害. You specifically acknowledge and agree that 直接转矩 is not liable for the conduct of and information supplied.

The foregoing shall apply regardless of: (I) negligence of 直接转矩 or any party acting on 直接转矩's behalf; (II) any failure of an essential purpose; and (III) whether such 损害s are based on claims of negligence, 严格责任, 合同, 侵权行为, 或者其他法律责任理论. In those jurisdictions that do not allow the exclusion or limitation of 责任 for such 损害s, 直接转矩的责任仅限于法律允许的最大可能范围, 在这些州,无论出于何种原因,都不允许上述对直接损害的限制, 在任何情况下,直接转矩对贵方的累计直接责任不得超过一百美元。.

直接转矩不以任何方式对任何信息负责, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, or services accessible through other websites (if any) that link (now or in the future) from the website, and 直接转矩 shall have no 责任 of any nature whatsoever in relation to any of the foregoing.

3. 使用条款的修改

您理解并同意直接转矩可能会修改, 不时修改或补充本使用条款, and it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the current terms and 条件 in effect at any point in time, 直接转矩没有义务或义务提请你方注意任何修改, 对本协议的修改或补充.

4. 发行人责任

Issuer authorizes its Agent(s) to request and receive from 直接转矩 Security Position Reports on an as-needed basis and Issuer shall be responsible for all fees (see Pricing) incurred by Agent(s) for the use of the Security Position Report service based on the current Pricing schedule in effect when a Security Position Report request is made. Issuer shall inform 直接转矩 via update to their issue's Agent Authorization list of the termination of authorization for any Agent. 在没有此类终止通知的情况下, Issuer shall hold 直接转矩 harmless from any 责任 for releasing Security Position Reports to Agent. 开证人保证直接转矩免受任何索赔, 行动, 责任, 损失, 受伤, 损害, 成本, and expense to 直接转矩 arising out of or relating to the use or misuse of the Security Position Report data and service by Agent.

All subscription requests are for a one-year minimum period, with no pro-rated fee basis available. Subscriptions must be renewed by the Issuer or Trustee each year and will be charged according to the Pricing schedule in effect on the renewal date. All 特殊的 or one-time report requests will be billed on an as-ordered basis according to the Pricing schedule in effect at the time that the request is made. Failure to make payment for Security Position Report services as billed by 直接转矩 will result in service suspension.

5. 公司协调人职责

The Issuer's designated Company Coordinator(s) is responsible for the accuracy and update of Company information which is registered and contained in the Company profile for their Issues. The ongoing update of this information (包括 但不限于 Company Name and Address) and the authorization of third party Agents for Security Position Report access to their issue(s) is the sole responsibility of the Company Coordinator(s). 直接转矩 will not be liable for inaccuracy of Company information contained within the Security Position Report Company profile nor will 直接转矩 be held liable for activity undertaken by third party Agents who have been authorized by the Company Coordinator(s). 通过授权第三方安全位置报告代理访问他们的问题, the Company Coordinator(s) is indicating to 直接转矩 that this Agent is authorized to request this information regarding their Issues and shall indemnify and hold 直接转矩 harmless from any misuse by said Agent.

6. 保密

除任何适用法律所要求的以外, 政府命令或法规, 或根据任何有管辖权的法院的命令, 发行人和/或代理人(“双方”)不得公开披露或宣布, 或以任何方式透露给任何第三方, 根据本协议披露的任何信息或事项. 如法律要求披露, 法规或司法命令,双方可以披露机密信息, 但双方应就该等法律及时发出书面通知, regulation or judicial order to 直接转矩 to enable 直接转矩 to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent disclosure of Confidential Information.

尽管如此, the Parties may provide access to and use of the Security Position Report data and the service by the Parties' employees, 承包商 and agents; provided, 然而, that: the Parties agree that: (a) the Security Position Report data will be made available by the Parties only to responsible employees, 承包商, and agents of the Parties on a need to receive or know the data and who are bound by confidentiality obligations at least as restrictive as those contained herein; (b) the Parties will strictly prohibit access to the service and the Security Position Report data, 以及传播, 再分配, reproduction and down-loading of any Security Position Report data to or by any other than those authorized by the Parties.

此描述仅供参考. 本服务受适用规则的约束, 程序, 及各存附属公司的服务指引, 哪些包含完整的条款, 条件, 以及适用于本服务的限制.
